About Us
Origin and Role of LMCs
Prior to the founding of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association in 1832 the medical profession was unregulated. This meant that anyone could practice as a Doctor. The support for a regulatory body grew alongside membership of the Association, resulting in the formation of the British Medical Association (BMA) in 1856.
The origin of Local Medical Committees dates back to 1911 and the introduction of the National Health Insurance Bill, when statutory recognition was awarded to Committees representing the local voice of doctors, who as independent contractors agreed to provide Medical Services to the general population.
From that time the bodies administering hospital services and family care were obliged to consult with Doctors through these representative bodies on a wide range of issues relating to General Practice.
The National Health Service was established in 1948 following the Report by Lord William Beveridge which served as the basis for the post-WWII welfare state. Through the ensuing decades and the many reorganisations that have taken place within the NHS, the responsibilities of LMCs have remained fairly constant. Although the Trade Union and Industrial Relations Act of 1974 led to the BMA being recognised as the Trade Union representing the Medical Profession, LMCs are not Trade Union.
Subsequent Acts have reinforced and expanded the statutory recognition and functions of LMCs, in particular, the introduction of the new GP Contract in 2004. LMCs acquired responsibilities involving Enhanced Services, the Quality Outcomes Framework, Practice Contracts, Contract Review, Dispute Resolution, Commissioning, Premises.
Hence, Fife Local Medical Committee is the only organisation recognised by statute as the body representing all GPs practising in the Fife area.
What We Do
Despite countless changes within the NHS and community care, Local Medical Committees are the single element of continuity throughout all the re-organisations since the NHS was inaugurated with statutory functions set out by Act of Parliament. As the local, elected body representing General Practitioners the LMC continues to strive to provide support and leadership as a committed partner in the delivery of Primary Care.
LMCs have always provided services beyond their purely statutory functions, representing the core values of the profession and striving to ensure the highest standards of equity and fairness, democracy and professionalism. The LMC will represent and advise on all matters concerning GPs as independent contractors providing Primary Care clinical services as professionals.
Our Elected GP Representatives meet regularly and work to address the many areas concerning the delivery of Primary Care in Fife.
We represent Fifes GPs at a variety of meetings both locally and nationally to ensure the voice of General Practice remains influential.
Regular communication with our member Practices and individual GPs is, we believe, essential. We do our utmost to inform and listen to GPs, their practice staff and the organisations with whom we all work, in various ways including by way of telephone call, email, newsletters, meeting minutes, in a bid to share information on pertinent topics in what can be an ever changing environment.
Our Office Bearers
Dr Fiona Henderson
Honorary Secretary
Dr Fiona Henderson is a GP Partner at Howe of Fife Medial Practice in Ladybank. Fiona has been a committee member since 2016 taking on the role of Assistant Honorary Secretary in 2018,and that of Honorary Secretary since August 2022.
Fiona represents Fife GPSC and Fife LMC at several meetings and is one of our current SGPC representatives. Fiona has specialist interest in women's health and lifestyle medicine.
Fiona spends much of her free time up a hill or on a beach.
Dr Susie Mitchell
Dr Susie Mitchell is a GP Partner at Hospital Hill Surgery in Dunfermline. Susie has been a Committee Member since 2011, taking on the role of Assistant Honorary Secretary in October 2012, that of Honorary Secretary in August 2014, and becoming Chair in August 2022.
Susie represents Fife GPSC and Fife LMC at several meetings and is one of our current SGPC Representatives.
Susie has specialist interests in pain medicine and mens health.
Susie spends much of her free time out with her dog, especially up the West Coast.
Dr Sarah Lim
Dr Sarah Lim is a GP Partner at Meadows Practice in Lochgelly. She has been a Committee Member since 2017, taking on the role of Treasurer in June 2018.
Sarah represents Fife GPSC and Fife LMC at several meetings. Sarah has specialist interests in mental health and dermatology.
Sarah’s hobbies include running and reading.
Dr David Lindsay
Assistant Honorary Secretary
Dr David Lindsay is a GP Partner at St. Brycedale Surgery in Kirkcaldy. David, at first, joined the Committee in 2011, taking on the role of Vice-Chair in June 2018.
After a very short break, David re-joined the Committee in 2020, taking on the role as Assistant Honorary Secretary in August 2022.
David represents Fife GPSC and Fife LMC at several meetings. He has a specialist interest in GP training.
David likes to spend a lot of his spare time cycling.
Dr Lorna Donaldson
Dr Lorna Donaldson is a GP Partner at Inverkeithing Medical Group. Lorna joined the Committee in February 2019 and took on the role of Vice-Chair in September 2024.
Lorna represents Fife GPSC and Fife LMC at several meetings.
Lorna has an interest in Women’s Health, Cardiovascular Disease, and Lifestyle Medicine.
Lorna enjoys getting outside, walking in nature and attending live music.